Day 6: Ariana
Tuesday, today and we started working with wood. During the first half of the morning we looked at the steps to making the frame, and how to use each tool. We then practiced using the tools on a scrap piece of wood. This included flattening two sides with the jointer, making the wood the same thickness as the planer, and using the table saw to cut the wood. After that was all done with I went about fixing up my fish.
I first made a mock up of what I wanted the fish to look like. Without gluing anything together I placed the pieces atop one another, occasionaly sticking the foam between a layer, and asked myself "what is a fish" until I finally got my answer.
Once I got that question sorted out I started to glue tiny foam core pieces between the correct layers and gluing the wonky shapes to their correct wonky shaped counterpart. I already had the background sorted out so the only thing left to do was glue the fish to the fish and then lower it into its cage where it will forever remain.
once I glued everything in place the fish truly looked as if it wanted to eat your nose.
Then in the late afternoon, we mesured our projects and cut some more wood then we're done for the day. The wood has been prepared for tomorrow and both my shadowbox and diorama have been completed. I feel like we're too ahead of schedule. I don't have any wood pics cause I can't be bothered. If you want to see the wood we're using look at Aiden's blog or Josey's, pretty sure they've got some.
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