Day 7: Josey
Today I made a huge amount of progress with making cuts on my wood and getting my boxes assembled. The first step was to cut out each of the four sides of my boxes. This required precise measurement, becasue if I measured wrong, my boxes would not line up and things wouldn't fit together right. By using the table saw we made miter cuts so the box would fit together snuggly. Although my first one was almost a disaster because I misjudged where the blade was, I was able to stop it before it was too late and make a correction without ruining the wood. After this stressful encounter I was extremely precise with the rest of my cuts and they all worked out nicely. The next step to preparing the wood was creating dados so the acrylic piece would fit in, and creating rabbets (I spelled that right) so the chipboard backing would fit in. This was a quick process and makes the wood look very proffessional in my opinion.
Once all of these details were made it was time to fit the box together and tighten it, to make sure the diorama and shadowbox would fit inside. Unfortunately mine did not. This meant spending a decent amount of time shaving off the edges with an exacto knife until it could comfortably fit in the box. Although this took a while, eventually it did fit in the box and it was time to move on to the next step.
You might be thinking, wow they got a lot done today, well in the afternoon we completed even more steps working towards our finished product. I started by once again taking measurements of my box to create the acrylic front and chipboard back. After cutting the acrylic out on the laser cutter I taped my pieces of wood together and was ready to glue. The gluing part was somewhat stressful. It required getting just the right amount of glue, and also folding the box up with the acrylic inside. Once it was folded I had to tightly tape the outside then wipe away any excess glue before the it had dryed. With a little help I was able to get my two boxes assembled, glued, and taped so they will be dry by tomorrow. I'm super excited to see how my projects look in the box, especially once they've been smoothed and finished.
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