Final Reflection: Josey
Coming home from school today and seeing the reactions from my family as I showed them my shadowbox and diorama made the entire two weeks of work worth it. (Not that it wasn't before). During the first week of this J-term there was a lot of work, and sometimes it seemed like it wasn't going to pay off, but it did. The amount of time spent staring at a computer screen designing my projects could get exhausting, but I am telling you, it was all worth it! I learned to keep perservering and keep making changes even when it got tiring or I didn't particularly want to.
During the second week I hugely improved my woodworking skills. I had minimal experience from my design tech class in 9th grade, but I had mostly forgotten and was wanting to learn more skills. Although it is a little frightning to be around very loud and very dangerous tools, but after learning how to use them properly, I was able to gain a little more confidence. I am so proud of how my projects turned out. At first I was a little weary because they look very different on the computer versus printed out and fully assembled. But all of the work I put into them over the two weeks of this J-term became it paid off and it showed in my final projects. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to go to a school where I can have these experiences and learn to create something like this. Designing a shadowbox and diorama and buildng a frame from scratch is something I never thought I would've enjoyed very much, but it turns out I really do enjoy it and hope I will be able to do it more in the future.
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