Final Reflection: Aiden C
My experience with making my shadow box and diorama was a good one, in my opinion. One of the main parts of the learning experience was me learning how to use the jointer and planer, both tools that are commonly used in woodworking, but ones that I haven't used before. The second main thing that I learned how to use is the laser printer/cutter, a tool that I was impressed with because of its ability to cut and print onto many materials at a fast rate while having razor-sharp precision. For all of these tools, Mr. Grisbee was a great teacher, and I was able to learn and use these tools all by myself in no time. The laser cutter hard at work: Mr. Grisbee and Tyler Block using the jointer: Along with the use of the tools, I had a great time just in the overall process, and I really enjoyed working alongside my classmates to make my box for my artwork out of what started out as a single piece of long wood, and working to turn it into the perfect...